Sunday, May 31, 2009

Summer Fun!

It has just been so nice out that it has been a few weeks since I have downloaded all of our photos, let alone post any of them! It has been a wonderful spring, and summer is definitely here! We have been spending so much time outside. We have been busy planning outside playdates with Avery's buddies and playgroups! Fun Fun Fun!

Scooting down a hill & picking flowers! SOOO pretty out!

Taking in the view (or at least we were!)

Playing in the back yard.

Checking out the veggie /sunflower garden!

Thursday, May 7, 2009

We Are Back!

We are back from our trip to CA to visit family. We have been back for a week actually, but it takes a bit to get back into the regular routine (plus we have a house guest for the next two weeks, so that took sometime getting ready for too).

The trip was great and tiring. Visiting family is always nice but at the same time a little exhausting with all the traveling, driving, and different houses. I think we needed a vacation after our vacation.

We did catch the heat wave CA was having - we had a couple days in the 90s! Yes 90s! Too hot for the beach, but just right for a kiddy pool on the back patio! The remainder of the trip was typical weather, high 50s/low 60s and some fog.

We have been very fortunate to have beautiful weather here at home once we got back - Spring has sprung and summer is well on its way!

Here are a few pics from the trip.