Thursday, April 9, 2009

Family Time

Avery's new thing is to pull Mom and Dad together. He grabs my hand, then Dad's and has us hold hands, or sit down together, group hug, group kiss, or pulls out a book and has us all read together as he gets a huge smile on his face and a look of satisfaction.

It took me a moment to realize why this makes him so happy - but when Dad comes home from work it is usually my time to finish up dinner, clean that last dish, straighten up a bit, etc. etc. We always sit together for an entire meal, and we play games together each night - but Dad doesn't get home until 6:00-6:30pm so family quality time is limited weeknights. I realized that only a very small portion of each weeknight includes all three of us sitting on the floor together - it is usually one or the other for the most part. And Mom and Dad usually don't hold hands then either!

Funny how he feels that Mom and Dad sitting together, holding hands, giving kisses is so important and makes him so happy. He is usually the one that gets held, gets the kisses, and we hold his hand - funny and absolutely adorable he wants Mike and I to do that.

I am happy we have every weekend together as a family and every other weekend is a three day weekend with Mike's work schedule - More family time the better!

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